
Medicinal non-hybrid seeds

Information provided by Heirloom Seeds

Package includes one pack each of the following 15 herbs (all seeds are non hybrid) and the booklet, NATURAL AND HERBAL FAMILY REMEDIES by Cynthia Black

For centuries, herbs and other natural products have been used as health aids and remedies. This booklet explains how to make various creams, infusions, ointments and poultices to help relieve many common ailments. Sections on skin care, sore throats and colds, herbal teas, hair care, healing soups and soothing aches and pains.

Complete package - $20 - available at: Heirloom Seeds

ANGELICA - Dried leaves are used to make an infusion (tea) to improve energy, stimulate circulation and reduce flatulence. Has antibacterial and antifungal qualities.

SWEET BASIL - Steep leaves in water for a few minutes to make a tea to help indigestion. Make a cold-oil infusion to massage sore muscles.

CALENDULA - Flowers make a healing mouthwash for the gums. Mix a cream using calendula petals and plantain leaves for healing of cuts.

CATNIP - Make a tea to to relieve colds and fevers. Also used to treat headaches and upset stomachs. Has mild sedative qualities.

CHAMOMILE - Use in a tea as a mild sleep aid or to aid digestion. Make a cream to treat dry, rough skin.

COMMON YARROW - Infused tea fights colds and fevers. Make a cream with its flower petals to use on cuts and burns.

CORIANDER (cilantro) - Chew leaves or infuse as a tea to relieve upset stomachs. Also used as a mild sedative.

FEVERFEW - Eat three to five leaves daily to reduce migraine headaches. Infuse as a tea to relieve muscle spasms or reduce fever.

HOREHOUND - Make a tonic of chopped horehound leaves and honey to treat sore throats. A cold infusion will help relieve heartburn.

HYSSOP - Make a cream to treat bruises and burns. Infuse as tea to treat colds, flu, bronchitis and sore throats.

PURPLE CONEFLOWER (Echinacea Purpurea) - Drink a hot infusion to stimulate the immune system.

ST JOHN'S WORT - Infuse as tea to treat depression or as a mild sedative. Makes a cream to treat bruises and skin inflammation.

SUMMER SAVORY - Hot infusion is gargled to treat a sore throat. Also drink as a tea to treat diarrhea and indigestion.

THYME - Make a tea sweetened with honey to help relieve sore throats and coughs. Infusion used to relieve hangovers.

VALERIAN - Roots used to relieve nervous tension, anxiety, insomnia and pain. Roots used in a cream to treat acne or skin rashes.

The information on this page is for reference and education. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advise of a physician. We do not advocate self diagnosis or self medication. Be aware that any plant substance used externally or internally may cause an allergic reaction in some people. We will not be responsible for any problems that arise from using herbs medicinally.

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